Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ok I gave in...

I truly enjoy reading all of my wonderful friends blogs and keeping up with what is going on in the world, but I just haven't taken the time to do my own until here it is (we will see how often I really get to update this thing :). 

So for those who don't know what is taking place in our lives, I will fill you in.....

Hayes and I bought a house in Leeds, AL in February of 2007 that desperately needed some TLC. So, we took on that challenge and conquered it in my opinion. It is a 2 br/2bth townhouse/duplex (whatever you want to call it) with fabulous neighbors next door (my brother and his wife and now baby). We put our special little touches on it and have truly enjoyed it but it is now on the market. The reason for that now leads me to tell you about one of the most amazing opportunities that God has blessed Hayes and I with. August was 2 years that Hayes has been serving as apart of the staff at Church of the Highlands. We are so blessed to be a part of an amazing life-giving church that is truly changing the world! Hayes is now the director of twentyfourseven, a college aged ministry and leadership academy! We are so blessed to be a part of the students lives and see them grow into the women and men of God that they are called to be. Hayes is right in his element!! With this program, comes a month long mission trip every spring to a foreign country and for the last two years, We (yes both of us....thank God) have spent a month in China spreading the love of our Saviour to the people of China and Tibet with these amazing students. I am so thankful to the Lord for allowing me to have jobs that believed in what we were doing to allow me to leave my job for a month and be with Hayes and twentyfourseven. Those are experiences that will forever change our lives!  soo.....hahaha (a little sidetracked) the reason for the move is to have more room for our ministry and so we can have our students in our home more....we love them! We could not ask for a better pastor or church body to be a part of. Church of the Highlands is where Hayes and I met, fell in love, and now serve. We love that place!! :)

Now for me, well it changes a lot! Right now I am working at a school called Mitchell's Place. It is an Early Intervention Center for children with Autism. I LOVE IT! I am there one day a week for sure, but find myself helping out more than that....I leave there knowing I have made a difference. I also keep a friend's little girls a few days a week and love them dearly! Other than that, I am really pursuing a place in the "wedding world" as a wedding planner/director and I am trying to get that started! I also paint children's canvases and sell them in a shop and independently. Whoo....I'm tired of writing all of that, I know you are probably tired of reading it!

So, that is the update on our lives! All I can say is our God is a good God and He provides everything we need...and more! He is blessing us in so many ways and is teaching both Hayes and I a lot about Himself and what He has in store for our lives! Who knows where He will take us but we know that right now we are in the center of His will and want to stay there!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! I am so glad you joined the blogging world! I saw your website update on facebook! We have one too. It is
