Wednesday, June 24, 2009

wow...should I even blog?

I am so bad at this! Oh well, I will keep trying! 
So, of course my hubby is home by now and man am I glad he is! 3 weeks and a day is a LONG time.... I'm not a fan! But they had an amazing trip and through 24/7 and Switch that met up with them in Peru, they were able to get the Book of Hope into more than 50,000 hands personally! That is so cool to me! So different from our last two trips to China. Don't get me wrong, they were great, but in a communist country where you don't even speak the name of Jesus out loud, we definitely did not get to minister to that many people! I think it was a great experience for them! 

So I am almost 32 weeks and the doc keeps saying he is measuring big! So this could mean two things...Cohen will either make his grand entrance a little early (my preference) OR well you know, I may just have a big'n on my hands! Either way I can't wait to meet the little guy! He is so busy inside of me everyday, I can't wait to see him, kiss him, smell him, cuddle him! It will be great! Also, on Sunday I picked up from my aunt the baby cradle that my grandfather built almost 30 years ago that all of the grandchildren slept in! I am pretty excited about it! I have to go get some fabric to recover the mattress and the sides of it but it is so pretty!

Well, that is enough for now! Hope you all are well! Enjoy this beautiful summer day! Maybe in a least thats what I am thinking!